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Unplugged Coding

Tospaa Unplugged Coding Game, is a screenless coding game designed for early coding education. So far, thousands of schools across Turkey played by hundreds of thousands of children.


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Social and Game Based Coding

Tospaa offers an early age coding education opportunity that is fun and will strengthen children's social skills. Thanks to Tospaa, other gains such as empathy and cooperation can also be achieved.


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Award-Winning Social Enterprise

With every Tospaa Unplugged Coding Game you buy, you can help schools without computers at


Unplagged Coding Game Now More Fun With Its New Design

You can play the Tospaa coding game in completely different shapes and forms. An endless game cycle... The limit is your own imagination...

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For Both Families And Schools

The New Tospaa enables families to spend productive and fun time at home. schools can use Tospaa as a flexible educational material as before. Moreover, this time the game includes an implicit coding curriculum!

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An Award-Winning Social Enterprise

For every 10 Tospaa games purchased, we send 1 tospaa game to public schools without computers. Tospaa Coding Initiative is an initiative that aims to reduce inequalities in coding education and won the 2019 Ibrahim Bodur Social Entrepreneurship Award. Thank you for supporting schools without computers with every board game you bought.

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